The Portuguese name of this series - which means both royal & real shantytown - is the same than the one of an off-grid place in the countryside, which I have been growing and nurturing together with John Klima . That is because the performances, created with a diversity of artists and musicians, explore a wealth of sounds recorded there; I play custom zither and AG#3.9 - audio-visual software that processes pre-recorded sounds and 3D graphics based on pitch detection from the zither sound. Those sounds and images have interlaced with John's mandolin cello, Atau Tanaka's EMG muscle interface, Josephine Berry's spoken poetry, Maria do Mar's violin and Felice Furioso's percussion.
On the left is a screen capture from AG#3.9 - which operates based on the sound of a zither with aged strings, a personal tuning system, and specific playing techniques. Once the image appears, it functions like a reactive stage scene, which extends the physical space. The digital architecture from AG#3.9 is similar to the one of AG#3. It uses the same 3D engine (Irlicht) and audio library (FMOD), coded by John Klima. Beyond those similarities, the digital sound and image have now a very different feeling - the software processes sounds recorded in the countryside, and the images applied to the 3D world result from the manipulation of my graphic scores.
FAVELA REAL # 1 ROBALO | LISBOA | July 21st 2021
Footage by Antonio Gomes
When invited to perform at Robalo, I started by making a soundscape composition with recordings from this countryside environment - it would become a sort of score for live-performance. On top, I played the zither and AG#3.9, whilst John Klima played the mandolin cello.
Later in the summer, Atau Tanaka and Josephine Berry came to spend some time in Favela. From this also emerged a creative collaboration that expanded the previous duo-work, culminating with a performance at Utero in Lisbon. I made another soundscape composition recalling our countryside environment, which became our score. Atau played his EMG muscle interface and Josephine used spoken word. Rather than projecting live-processed 3D image, here it made sense to show photos from Favela, taken by Josephine's daughter Agnes.
Photos by Nuno Correia
FAVELA REAL # 4.1 IKLECTIK | LONDON | November 4th 2022
The following year I went to London in order to present my book chapter with Atau at the British Film Insitute, and to perform with him at Iklectik. At the BFI I mentioned the importance of visual continuity for those who wish to avoid vision to dominate over audition. Yet interestingly, during our performance the technical situation originated unexpected discontinuties, and these became a compelling creative engine.
Violinist Maria do Mar came to play in my studio, and we were amazed with the musical intertwining of our sensibilities and techniques. Later she invited me for a trio with percussionist Felice Furioso, and the creative process unfolded further.